HKQAA-HKJC Carbon Disclosure e-Platform

Carbon Performance Questionnaire (Online Version)

Other Versions: PDF  / MS Word   

Welcome! You can conveniently understand and demonstrate your organisation's existing carbon performance by completing this questionnaire on the HKQAA-HKJC Carbon Disclosure e-Platform. When answering the questionnaire, you may choose to fully or partially reveal your information to the general public, or if desired, you may keep the information confidential. After processing, the submitted carbon information for your selected level of disclosure will be displayed on the e-Platform.

The questionnaire was designed according to a disclosure framework set out by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA). This framework was established on the basis of several international standards such as ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard and ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gases. There are several sections for reporting, including:

- GHG management, direct emissions and removals (Scope 1)
- Energy-related indirect emissions (Scope 2)
- Other indirect emissions (Scope 3)
- GHG offsets/ removals

HKQAA will conduct a territory-wide research project about the carbon management performance of local organisations using the information collected from this questionnaire. The performance data collected will be analysed annually to reveal the progress of carbon management among organisations in Hong Kong. It will provide an overall picture of the city’s progress towards achieving carbon targets.

For further information, please visit our official website: